audio reseach ref 3 or krell KTC...?

Hello all,

I would like to know if any of you has ever compared these two preamps. I have never heard the Krell KTC but I read very good reviews about it. I will be very grateful if you could be so kind to share your personal opinions with me.

Thank you very much for your time

Have had many ARC/Krell combos and never a problem...the caps will kill the krells sound!!

Have you ever had a problem? I just read an ad recently where somebody sent their FPB in for servicing resulting from damage from a tubed preamp leaking DC.

Since I have not yet converted my Krell to include the caps active, can you give me any indication of the sonic impact?
ckoffend, I have used an LS25, RefII and RefIII with Krell 600, 400 and evo 402 problems. Caps will kill tone color, soundstage and transparency.
Dave b, thanks. I checked with Aesthetix and they have reported that they do use coupling capacitors at the output for this form of protection against dc leakage. So, fortunately, no worries.

On another note, if one buys a FBP C vs. a non C version, is there any improvement if one is not using the Cast cables? Aren't there cast speaker cables? Do these just work with Krell speakers?

There is a 300C for sale that I am considering and only want to buy it if it is a step up (preferably sizeable) from my FPB 200?