Audio Research a good match?

I am considering the purchase of an Audio Research VT100 Mk II to drive a pair of Magnaplanar 3.6 R speakers, with a Wadia 850 CD player as the source component. Is this a good match? Is their a better one for about the same price? Just how good is the Audio Research VT100 Mk II? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Thanks for your help.

Showing 1 response by huggarh-a69f

I owned a VT100MK2 and I own a Wadia 16 and Maggie 3.5's. I will tell you that it did sound good, but I will tell you that the Bryston 7bst's sounded alot better with the Maggie 3.5's on the low end and High for about the same cost.