Audio Research CD3 vs Electrocompaniet EMC 1

Both of these players seem to elicit a common theme among many owners & listeners: analog sounding, vinyl like, musically involving. Any definite opinions out there as to which is better, or is it just splitting hairs at this level? Appreciate any comments. (Would be interested in any version of the EMC 1).
I compared the two when I was in the market and ended up with a CD3.... As the previous poster stated, low chance at finding one under MSRP or used...there is a reason for that - It is a GREAT player...
I have not seen an ARC CD3 in the used market since it's release last year. I've listened to one and it sounded nice but would need to take it home and compare it to what I have now before I could make that kind of commitment and even then I would never pay retail. Another near impossible piece to find used is the Theta DaViD II with progressive scan WHAT'S UP!!!
J_k, setting aside the price issues, how would you characterize the sound between the two players and what was your deciding factor(s)?
Can't comment about the Electrocompaniet but I auditioned the CD3 against thePhilips SACD.with all reference Audio Resarch electronics and the Vandersteen model 5's.Too close to call both were musically invovlving players.SACD didn't blow it away by a long shot,but it is much cheaper and does a good job.The quality of craftmanship on the CD3 is superior and so it's re-sale value ,as with all ARC cd players ,should be good.
I've also heard the CD3 against the Metronome ,,,the Metronome (no balanced outs)didn't even come close.
I've heard the Sony SCD-1 in surround mode and was impressed with it's quiet b.g. and overall sound,it sells for the same as the CD3,build quality is high,but i didn't hear the cd playback on it and I didn't like the surround mixes.Personally I would try to find a dealer who has your electronics and see if you can listen to both .maybe get a loan out on either one of the players and audition at home.... the best way to do it .
Final comment the CD3 is that it's an exceptional player,very analogue sounding with plenty of dynamics ,detail and punch.You won't regret the purchase,as a previous poster said it is a GREAT player! And for what it's worth all the ARC players were Stereophile class A,and I expect the CD3 to folow suit.
My deciding factor, which isn't very quantified... The music was much more real and true sounding. Different recordings sounded very different compared to the EMC1.. To my ears, EMC1 was slightly colored in my system...I felt like tweeking.. CD3 just disappeared and sat down and simply listened to the music. I have heard better players, but at 2-5 times the price.