Audio Research or Conrad Johnson Tube Pre-Amp???

I am looking at the purchase of an Audio Research SP-9 or SP-14 or Conrad Johnson PV-9a, PV-10, PV-11 or PV-12 pre-amplifier. It's very difficult since I've not been able to hear every one of these pre-amps. However, I do want a tube pre-amp to mate with my Threshold S/300 and Mirage
OM-9 speakers. Later I plan to purchase Magnapan 1.6 speakers. I will also be using an Elite Rock Turntable with Excalibur tone arm. I will also be using two professional tape decks for recording and playback.

I really need assistance regarding the following:

1. Which pre-amp will work well.
2. I also need to know which tubes are the best for a particular pre-amp?
3. how long do tubes last normally with 2 hours daily use?

Any other information you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much all.
4. Does turning on and off the tube pre-amp hurt it?

Showing 4 responses by downunder

those HIFICRITIC ratings are bullshit

The cj ART sounds better than either the ACT2 or CT5.
Stanwal - you are a funny guy - not

why don't you keep your mouth shut and give your opinion when you have actually heard something you are dribbling on about, rather than relying on reviewer numbering systems.

Martin Colloms is a professional hifi writer and almost every new piece of cj or ARC equipment is so much better than the previous piece. or so you have to believe, otherwise he will be out of a gig

Are you going to upgrade the ART to series 3, or happy where you are at now?. me I am debating as the upgrade is a considerable sum and don't want to loose the magic.

I believe the ACT2 series 2 is a lot better than the original. Even Lew from cj told me they had made a mistake with the original ACT2 in it being too lean, hence the series2 so quickly after the original.

yes Collums review of the ACT2/CT5 being so far ahead of the ART certainly was puzzling. that is why, if possible always try to listen to a piece before comitting. replying on lists is very dangerous.


The couple of folks I have spoken to have all said the upgrade truely is an upgrade with no downside, however as you said it is an expensive upgrade which you cannot go back.
I am like you at the moment and swap with my Mac pre amp if the mood feels like it.
