Audio Research or Luxman?

I recently acquired a 1973 Luxman L-507 integrated amp only to learn that the volume/balance control pots are bad and can't be replaced, but I was able to bypass the pre-amp section and run it with the amp section only, and oh my, did it sound good.

I was very surprsed to find that its sound quality came too close in sound quality to my ARC separates: a Reference 3 preamp and Ref 75SE amp. So now I'm wondering how a modern Luxman like a l-505uXii or 507uXii would compare with my ARC separates. 

Any thoughts anyone?



I recently bought a new Luxman L-505uX Mark 2 and it’s driving my KEF Reference 1 speakers so sweetly! I could only be happier if I had a LOT more money to go up the line. Someday, I probably will.

I am aware that the L-507uX Mark 2 will soon be replaced by the L-507z. Other models are also slated to be upgraded, but it will take over a year or more to happen. Of course prices will also rise with the change.



It depends on what level of Audio Research you are talking about. For example, within the last month I had a one hour audition of Wilson SabrinaX speakers both with the Luxman L509x integrated amp ($10k) and also with the ARC separates LS28 and VT80 stack (about $20k). I preferred the Luxman as being more dynamic with better grip on the bass and just a better presentation. DAC was a Chord Dac.


I’m not surprised with this. I currently own the Luxman L-590AXII(~$9k) and Naim separates NAC 282, NAP 250DR, Hicap DR (~$15k) and the Luxman sounds better. Speakers are Marten Duke 2. Another person who compared the same Luxman model with a higher range Naim separates costing up to $30k (NAC 252, NAP300 DR, Supercap DR) also preferred the Luxman. He found the Luxman to sound more refined and sophisticated than the Naim separates.

I have not owned many quality separates, and the Luxman L-590AXII is the most expensive integrated amp I currently own. I have owned the Audio Research LS16 and tried the integrated before, forgotten the model since it was long time ago. Nevertheless, there isn’t any doubt the Luxman is a very special integrated that is able to give the costlier pre power options a run for their money. To me, the Luxman is quality. After getting the piece into the system, I now don’t look at other hifi gear or upgrades anymore. It’s pure joy listening to music on the system everyday as my love for the Luxman and the system as a whole has increased tremendously since the day I acquired the amp. Although it’s just an integrated, it performs and punches above its weight, and it’s an eye candy as well.

I believe the other Luxman models will sound equally great. Class A and AB options to cater to different speakers and/or preferences. Just make sure the amp matches the speakers and you’ll be in audio heaven.

ryder, do you notice any issues using your 30wpc L-590AXII driving the Duke 2  3.8ohm (minimum)? The Duke 2 is not easy to find in the USA. Where are you located?

Your volume and balance pots can't be replaced because you've got the wrong tech working for you.  Find a better tech.