Audio Research Ref 110

I have 88 hours on my new Ref 110 and it sounds v shrill, with a somewhat thin midrange. I have heard that this unit takes 300 hours to break in. Will this shrillness go away as part of the break in process?
I would agree with the junk in junk out. I spent a lot of time auditioning the Ref 110 when I was amp shopping and found it to be very neutral and revealing, with perhaps a bit of dryness in the upper mid range, it could be heard as thin. I think however that it was perhaps the speakers I was hearing and that the amp did not forgive, (hide), poorly recorded music.
While I appreciate that everything is system dependent, my question is, for those of you who have broken in the REF series amps, is this characteristic inherent in the break in process?
As far as I know, an amp does not make sounds without a little help. A power cord can make an amp sound quite different. If you had enough love of music to purchase an ARC Ref 110 amp, you should understand that generalizations are worthless. How the amp reacts to it's connected components and cabling is as varied as human hearing acuity is variable.
My Ref110 sounded a little thin and un-engaging during the break-in period, and it was only after the 300-400 hour mark that it blossomed. I remember feeling a little worried then, but I look back at that time and laugh. It is now staggeringly transparent and natural, and so totally superior to anything I ever owned before.

OTOH, the Ref110 is not one of those tubey tube amps with ultra-lush mids, so if thats your thing, then choose partnering equipment accordingly.

Hope this helps