audio research REF 150


who heard it ?
how does it sounds compared to the REF 110 ?

Anybody else compare the Ref 110 (both with 6550 and KT120 tubes) with the new Ref 150? If yes, can you comment on sonic differences and whether the extra $s to upgrade from the Ref 110 is worth it? Thx
the ref 150 sounds better than about any ARC amp they have ever made, considering it has enough power for you. It is NOT just a tweaked ref110. go listen to it if you can, I was very impressed , I own Rogue m180s by the way.....
The REF 250 introduced at CAS. The best tubed amp on earth?????

Considering replacing my beloved GNSC modded Classic 120's with the REF 150.
I may have missed this if it was already posted, but the REF 150 also incorporates the same type of capacitors used in the REF Anniversary preamp. The transformers are upgraded, the caps, and the KT120's are, I believe the major differences. My understanding is that it has about the same energy storage, about 1,000 joules, as a single 610T. I should mention that I'm a dealer but I haven't heard one yet. I'm also a passionate music listener and I'm anxious to hear one.
I have some of those coupling caps in the 1 mfd range if anyone is interested. They are ahem...quite large. Let me know.