Audio Solution Figero M Speakers

Hi all, my great friend TeaJay told me about this speaker brand and I went to Chicago to a small shop that had them for sale used but mint condition. 

In the shop the bass sounded boomy but the speakers were on the floor not on any spikes or feet.  The mids and highs were really clear, correct in tone and timbre and  soundstaging was really good.  So I purchased them and drove them home. 

I have had them in my house for a couple of weeks now and I am stunned at how good they are.  First the sound stage/imaging is beyond any speaker I have heard in my house to date.  I have always wanted to hear Devore speakers and I see a number of them showing up used but I have to think how much better could another speaker create soundstage images? Tone and timbre? Highs that sound natural and never have caused me to reach for the advil bottle. These speakers on my electronics are flat out amazingly good.  I did play them on my Amp Camp Amp and lost imagaing, on my DK Design hybrid and lost some transparancy because they gained too much warmth.  On my SPL Director Preamp, SPL S1200 poower amp and Reimyo DAC holy crap they are perfect!  

Any other AS owners care to share?



Nice, sounds like you are very happy.  I spoke to them a number of years back to try and get a pair for our Listening Room but the distributer at the time wanted us to be a dealer so it fell through.  Maybe I will try again as I do not believe that they have any representation in the NYC area.  


Happy Listening.

Nice speakers for sure.  I upgraded the crossovers in the larger L and the results were outstanding.  Your speakers have nice drivers and cabs, but they did skimp on the crossover parts.  All sand cast resistors and several electrolytic caps. You would be surprised how much more you can get out of these wonderful speakers.  

The crossover board should be resting on the bottom of the speaker. Message me if you would like some tips and suggestions.  

You may not be interested and that is fine. I get not wanting to mess with them and respect that. 

I’m the guy with the Figaro L’s and the crossover upgrade from Bill.

I do not want to sound off as some fan boy gushing superlatives.

Anyone is welcome to stop by for a listen and judge for yourself or pm me off-line for details, they’re outstanding.