@iwasgointo Signet is subsidary of Audio-Technica in USA, while the real Audio-Technica was made in Japan. Signet is not available in Japan. In it’s own country the Audio-Technica is a champ and AT-ML180 OFC and AT-ML180 OCC are unbeatable.
Not sure which AT-ML180 do you mean ?
I will share some more pictures i made with my samples, because i was shocked to discover the difference is not only a coil wire etc.
There are two different versions of them (read on the boxes):
1) AT-ML180 PC OCC version has a Gold-plated Beryllium Cantilever and this particular model is the latest one, it was discontinued in the mid 90’s. There is a computer code printed on the backside of the box and OCC printed on the frontside of the cartridge, so this is a "modern" version from the 90’s. PC OCC (PURE COPPER by OHNO CONTINUOUS CASTING). Probably the last bunch of AT's beryllium is gone by making this version. Beryllium was restricted to use, no more beryllium cantilevers.
2) AT-ML180 LC OFC version is earlier, it has Gold-plated Boron Cantilever, the box does not have any computer code, this model is from the late 80’s, it’s rare! LC OFC is Linear Crystal Oxygen-Free Copper.
As you can see all models in AT-ML series comes with Gold-plated cantilevers. The gold plating acts to damp what little resonance the boron or beryllium produces.
P.S. As far as i know the Signet cartridges are different in many aspects, for example: Signet Boron cantilevers are not Gold-Plated. Those cartridges assembled in the USA, not in Japan. I don’t think they are better than Made In Japan top of the line models from the Audio-Technica. AT-ML180 is a flagship MM cartridge in Japan in the 80s, remember all the competitors at that time on the japanese market?
And finally: Where is Signet or Precept now and where is the Audio-Technica? Think about it.
Not sure which AT-ML180 do you mean ?
I will share some more pictures i made with my samples, because i was shocked to discover the difference is not only a coil wire etc.
There are two different versions of them (read on the boxes):
1) AT-ML180 PC OCC version has a Gold-plated Beryllium Cantilever and this particular model is the latest one, it was discontinued in the mid 90’s. There is a computer code printed on the backside of the box and OCC printed on the frontside of the cartridge, so this is a "modern" version from the 90’s. PC OCC (PURE COPPER by OHNO CONTINUOUS CASTING). Probably the last bunch of AT's beryllium is gone by making this version. Beryllium was restricted to use, no more beryllium cantilevers.
2) AT-ML180 LC OFC version is earlier, it has Gold-plated Boron Cantilever, the box does not have any computer code, this model is from the late 80’s, it’s rare! LC OFC is Linear Crystal Oxygen-Free Copper.
As you can see all models in AT-ML series comes with Gold-plated cantilevers. The gold plating acts to damp what little resonance the boron or beryllium produces.
P.S. As far as i know the Signet cartridges are different in many aspects, for example: Signet Boron cantilevers are not Gold-Plated. Those cartridges assembled in the USA, not in Japan. I don’t think they are better than Made In Japan top of the line models from the Audio-Technica. AT-ML180 is a flagship MM cartridge in Japan in the 80s, remember all the competitors at that time on the japanese market?
And finally: Where is Signet or Precept now and where is the Audio-Technica? Think about it.