I admire J. Carr as anybody else. There is no question about
his competence regarding cartridges. But he knows what is
available to him as, say, producer. This does not necessary
apply for the retippers. From my friend Axel Schurholz I know
what is available and what not to them. I ever asked Carr for
the address of Japanese ''jewel producers'' with intention to
order styli for Axel. I never got any answer from them. So Axel
was not able to provide styli which he was not able to get.
This also apply for ''dempers'' (aka ''rubber rings''), coils ,etc.
So all those advices about what which retipper can do are
based on sand. Or, to put this polite, on their assumptions.
The hypothetical statement like ''If Van den Hul can produce
Colibri then ''certainly'' (?) he can fix any cart whatever'' is
like any hypothetical statement; it can be true but also false.
The same apply for the assumption that Van den Hul himself
does all the repairs. Van den Hul owns many companies
and earns the most of the money from his ''wire company''.
His wire are also used in the aircraft industry so he spends 6
months per year in Ukraine in this connection. He produce
one cart per week in order to keep his capability in good
condition. He lacks the time for more. But in some ''parallel
world'' which is different from the known one other things may
be possible then in the one we know.