Audio withdrawal

I experienced the audiophile's worst nightmare today.  A component (NuForce reference 9 mono block amplifier) went bad.  It's made by a company which has gone out of business and has no referring repair service.
My local stereo repair shop was not sure they could fix it.

My system is fine tuned to just the way I like it, and I didnt want to start over with the nightmare of mixing and matching components until I found just the right combination.
After extensive Googling, I managed to find the one person in the universe who is qualified to repair my amp, an ex NuForce employee. I  sent it off today.
My problem is It's going to take a week or two before it comes back and I'm already in audio withdrawal.
Trying to find something to do, I'm writing this post.
Anyone  have other suggestions?
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I found out today that my amps won't be ready for about a week and a half.
Maybe I'll have to buy a new stereo amp to survive.
Headphones aren't doing the trick.
In my opinion Class D sounds better when theres a hybrid type of system employed with tubes in the input stage to add a bit of warmth,  which is similar to class AB.  I have tried solid state preamps with Class D amplifiers of different manufacturers and always came back to the same conclusion.  
It just sounds right when tubes are in the mix.
I think it's a good idea to keep a back up amp around. I have several. It's also good to hear things from a different perspective occasionally.