

Responses from rvpiano

Solo streamer
aldnorab, Thanks for the suggestion.   I might just do that.  
Solo streamer
I still think the Conductor app is the worst app ever conceived, for classical music  
Solo streamer
Yes, that’s what I do.  
Solo streamer
@soix  As far as improvements go, where can I begin?  Compared to the Cambridge, which btw I thought was very good, the detail is so much better, the timbre is very natural, dynamics are much wider, the sense of realism is palpable. This is what ... 
Solo streamer
At last, all components are in perfect sync. Can’t imagine set sounding sweeter.  
Solo streamer
One odd thing about the Aurender is that in AirPlay the volume is controlled by the dial on the tablet.  That must degrade the sound.  
Solo streamer
I stopped practicing!  
Solo streamer
With the Aurender, I don’t see the need for any other digital source, except SACD, and maybe it’s better than that. It’s THAT good.  
Solo streamer
@adasdad  I don’t use a PC or a Mac but thanks for the suggestion.  
Solo streamer
@audphile1  As you know, I’m mostly into classical music.  I think the app does much better with pop, rock etc. songs.  
Solo streamer
@blisshifi I can A-B both connectors on my DAC. Both the coax and USB are quite good. The USB seems a bit more defined.    
Solo streamer
I think I’ve learned most of what I need to know about the Conductor app. I think it’s a clunky app, and at best user unfriendly.  
Solo streamer
I must say, as a former musician, this streamer comes close to reproducing what music really sounds like.  
Solo streamer
I still haven’t found a way to sort my favorites alphabetically.  Other apps have that capability (e.g. StreamMagic and Idagio)  
Solo streamer
I’m beginning to think the exorbitant price is worth it.