Audiodesk pro with only water

I posted this but only received one response so reposting here (vinyl) in hopes of getting some more feedback.

Has anyone tried using their machine with just distilled water? The reason for asking is I don't have the cleaning fluid on hand & would like to listed to some new records I just got & don't want to wait .. If the other ultrasonic machines just use water then im assuming this should do a decent job cleaning as well  (until I order new cleaning solution)  
p.s. I never play new records without cleaning them first.
Thanks guys,I'm not sure im ready to add windex or soap into my AD just yet..I actually tried cleaning about 25 NEW records with just distilled water and was satisfied with the results although i did not A/B it with the AD solution.I dont think i would clean used or dirty records with just water but for brand new or already cleaned on my VPI, I dont see a downside especially if i dont have to spend 20-$25 on the AD solution (which i think is ridiculous)..I emptied the tank after about 20-25 records.($1.50)
I don't understand.  This thing is 3 or 4 grand if I am googling on the right unit.  And you don't want to spend $25 for the correct cleaning fluid?  There are some forums with discussions of failures, and the cost to return to Germany to repair plus the cost of parts, and they are not cheap.  If it were me, I would wait and get the right fluid and hope the reliability of your unit is good.
I don't own one of the cleaning machines and I certainly don't know what materials are put into the fluids that are sold to be used with them. I suspect that it is a "brew" of a few liquids. One comment I do have is the use of some sort of surfactant (meant to lower the surface tension of a liquid). This helps the cleaning since residue is less likely to "cling" to a finished/dry record. Those "brews" most likely contain some type of surfactant?

I don't think Windex is a typical surfactant and probably contains a small amount of ammonia and some other stuff. Do a search for generic surfactants. One that comes to mind is Photoflo made by Kodak. Meant to prevent drying spots on films processed in a manual manner. Probably found online or at just about any photographic supply dealer. Cheap and a 2 oz bottle would probably last a lifetime since one cap full will treat over 5 gallons of water (distilled).Good luck to you.
I use just water most of the time. On new or precleaned vinyl it works great. Been doing this for years. 
I wouldn't use any other cleaning solution but the Audiodesk cleaner.
I use the Klaudio US machine, which the manufacturer says should be used only with distilled water. It works great, and removes the contamination from any LP except the rare, badly abused used record. For them, I use a Nitty Gritty machine to preclean. But that’s unusual.