Audioengine Bluetooth vrs. Bluesound node 2

I am currently streaming internet radio from my iPad through Audioengine Bluetooth connected to my hi end system.  Sound is just ok, not comparing to my dedicated CD player.

If I replace the audioengine with Bluesound node 2 will I hear a major improvement in internet radio and other streaming services?


@yashu .. as always, it depends. If you only care about using the Node 2 as you would your Audioengine gizmo I wouldn't bother. The Node 2 can (and does) Bluetooth just fine and is a nice convenience but it's strength is with higher-resolution files. Streaming Tidal and/or your own personal library (16/44.1 and above) is where you would see the most benefit. That being said, if you're only interested in a better Bluetooth solution you should check out the Wyred 4 Sound bLINK. This little wonder uses a femto re-clocker and SRC (everything is upsampled to 24/96) for taming nasties. It is by far the best Bluetooth I've heard (including the Node 2's), but I haven't heard the Audioengine. The caveat is the bLINK costs the same as the Node 2 and the Node 2 does quite a bit more than Bluetooth. BTW, John Darko gave the bLINK a Knock Out Award if you care about such things:
Thanks for the thoughtful responses.

Did not want the node2 for Bluetooth.  Wanted to know if node streaming internet radio would be a big improvement over iPad streaming internet radio through audioengine Bluetooth......

Considering internet radio streams only .. not likely much improvement (if any) IMO. Tidal is another thing entirely.
My 2 week old Vault 2 using Tidal is amazing for its sonic quality and I am just using the RCA outputs... haven't played with the Bluetooth aspect of it yet. Still exploring...