Audioengine speakers

Anyone own/heard the Audioengine A2 powered speakers. Please comment on application and sound quality. Thank you.
I have not, but I know the designer. He says it's very good mid and highs, but has very little output at the bottom end. The single column for right and left is kind of odd and provides stereo, but not a lot in the way of soundstage. Again--this is second hand as I have not heard it directly. Obviously it's as much or more about the look.
I was curious because of all the reviews, so for $200 with free shipping and 30 day return policy, what have I got to lose? The speaker came last week, hook it up to my Slim device connected to Audio Mirror DAC-1. BIG SMILE ON MY FACE!!! I'M KEEPING IT PERIOD!
I did the same thing. I feel the mid-range depression noted in JA's measurements is pretty noticeable and somewhat unfortunate, but the sound otherwise is quite nice, very nice even. Also, treble rolloff in the vertical axis means you may not want to just plop them on the desk and leave it at that. But talk about listening all day without fatigue! And the packaging, documentation, fit and finish -- all of that is great at a level that puts most of the high end to shame, and at $200. I may try the 5's just to see how much better, if at all.

Anyone seen good sale prices for the "Audioengine 5" (white finish)?

Great reviews for their application!