Audiophile Electrocution

On one of the company-sponsored discussion boards I read (for my brand of speakers), the head of the company is always warning us about power and how dangerous it is and how careful we must be. And we all read a lot of stern warnings about not opening up amps, about household wiring, licensed electricians and what not. I don't want to make light of this of this. But I am curious; do you know of any audiophiles who have been hurt or killed while tinkering with their systems? Have you been zapped?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin

That's sounds pretty much like the description my doctor gave me. I'm definitely in the hypothyroid phase now. Thank goodness thyroid hormone replacement drugs are common now and relatively cheap.

Too bad my original shock was AC - if it was DC I could have just reversed polarity and cured myself.


"Too bad my original shock was AC - if it was DC I could have just reversed polarity and cured myself.


VERY hilarious and clever: Thanks for a good snicker! (I won't even get into power conditioners and AC regenerators, etc.)
I once went to look at a work van for purchase from a private owner.....the guy I spoke with told me he was selling it for a woman friend whose husband had had a TV repair shop.....he had been demonstrating to a new assistant some of the fine points of TV repair, and reportedly his last words were, "Whatever you do, don't ever touch this here....."
Like someone said, the danger most of us are likely to encounter in our residential voltages of 120v occurs when the current crosses the heart....causes an interruption of the normal beating (fibrillation, ya know) and can't do the job like its supposed to; and the proper rhythm has to be restored pretty quick if you're gonna live.....
I've been an electrical contractor for a couple of decades and I just make it a practice not to touch the copper if I'm working something live....and always use insulated tools....and always. be. careful.
Back in the late 70s my Buddy had his 68 Dodge Charger and the battery was dead so we hooked up a battery Charger to the battery in the Car but left the battery still hooked up to the car. Well my Buddy had to get something in the car. I should say there was a big puddle of water on the drivers side of the car and as my friend went to grab the door handle well standing in the puddle. I swear he was levitating about a foot off the ground and I could hear him saying something like PUUULLL THHHE PLUUUG, PUUULL TTHHE PPPLUUG!!! The 68 Dodge Charger definitely live up to it's name that day.