Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle

Moving homes.  Any recommendation for quality wall receptacle?   Pangea?  Audioquest?





@lak I've learned that all burn in times must meet two criteria.  First, it must be a minimum of one day past the return period, and second, it must be long enough that you can't remember what your system sounded like before and your ears hve become 100% accustomed to how the system sounds today & confirmation bias has been established.  🤣🤣🤣

Spend whatever it  costs to run a dedicated line. Relatively inexpensive.

It will sound even better with a fake carbon fiber duplex cover over a "premium" $25 home depot Leviton. 

This is my personal experience. YMMV.



Riccitone, I’ve seen that youtube video before and hospital grade is all that’s needed per his recommendation.

The new Quantum Science Audio Silver ac outlets are the very best but they cost $6500 each !