Audiophile Receptacle question

Hey guys. So I'm about to convert my garage to a home studio/listening room. Amongst other things I plan to get at least 4 new receptacles isolated to the breaker.  I'm looking at Furutech and Synergistic Research -Tesla Plex. I'm hoping to get good results with my equipment. But I was wondering if receptacles like these would provide any improvement on say my guitar amps? I also am a musician, as well as a professional music listener lol. Would love to get some input from others on this. I know these things are targeted for high end equipment, but would a vintage guitar tube amp not be considered high end of audiophile? It would be awesome if they made a sonic difference when I'm recording my music. Thanks
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Really analogluvr? You've tried them then? 

Relax jerzey, SR's are exceptional. Had the same concern with mine. That went away in hurry once I heard them. 
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