The reaction you observe could be from discomfort on the part of the other listener. I pride myself on courtesy but there have been times when a system was so awful I had to leave the room.
I do understand your point and sometimes I get visitors here in my home and they begin talking when they walk in the door and are still talking when they leave.
You're dead accurate when you point out differences among audiophiles.
I've been to enough (but not many) listening sessions with others at shows and exhibits to notice how many simply don't listen, but analyze, squirm in their seats, try to be polite while waiting for their CD to play and still not listen.
The reaction you observe could be from discomfort on the part of the other listener. I pride myself on courtesy but there have been times when a system was so awful I had to leave the room.
I do understand your point and sometimes I get visitors here in my home and they begin talking when they walk in the door and are still talking when they leave.
You're dead accurate when you point out differences among audiophiles.