Audiophiles and music lovers

I know you can be a music lover and not be an audiophile. Most music lovers are not audiophiles. The question is can you be an audiophile and not be a music lover?

I've been to enough (but not many) listening sessions with others at shows and exhibits to notice how many simply don't listen, but analyze, squirm in their seats, try to be polite while waiting for their CD to play and still not listen.

The reaction you observe could be from discomfort on the part of the other listener. I pride myself on courtesy but there have been times when a system was so awful I had to leave the room.

I do understand your point and sometimes I get visitors here in my home and they begin talking when they walk in the door and are still talking when they leave.

You're dead accurate when you point out differences among audiophiles.
You took the thread right out of my head! Is there shame or embarrassment in admitting you listen to your system firstly "because" of the music? Both require the other to exist. So why does it matter? Being an audiophile is the hobby. Loving the music is the reason for the hobby. When you're engaged in the hobby, how can music take precedent? Music enables it. It's not any less enjoyable. In fact it's more so because now I have a reason to listen more intently. I've always loved music but since being introduced to HI-FI, I've come to love it much more. I don't understand the conundrum. When my system is set up just right, I'm going to especially pay attention to it's performance. If it's not, I'm going to fiddle with it. It's a hobby. When I'm driving around in my van or at my job, music is playing. I assure you I'm at those times not paying attention to the system.
So my answer to the op's question is absolutely not. If you claim to be, then you're just as interested in the technical function of any other electronic equipment also. Or you have a weird fettish.
Some people just like gadgets. This was really true back in the days of tape and turntables. Lots of hands on stuff. I have known them. They used to be my main source of gear. (used)
Just give me a boom-box and I'll still enjoy the music.

The ones that love the hobby for the gear and don't really love the music are more techno-junkies than audiophiles. Nothing wrong with that either. Whatever floats your boat.