Audioquest custom made triple weave design power cable (Storm Series).

Hi everyone,
I am interested in having my own customized Audioquest power cable build based of their new power line Storm series, which can be found here:

The reason being the new line is out of my budget AND I am very interested in how a tailor made Audioquest applied with my own ideas will sound.

The idea:

• Use Audioquest NRG 4 cable, which can be bought in bulk:

• Dissecting the NRG 4 cable into three different wire parts: neutral, live, earth.

• Add multiple layers of shieldings per wire part: carbon fibre, copper braided sleeve, carbon fibre sleeve.

• Twist the three shielded wire parts in a geometry as the new Audioquest cable above, also have a look at: and!/Level-3-Reference-Series-Power-Cords/p/14644872/category=3461168

These great performers also use the same triple twisted design.

There must be something good going on with this geometry? That is why I want to apply it.

• Finally add, Oyaide plugs at each end (046, 079 or 004) and fill it with special crystal mineral against vibration, EMI, RFI, see:

First of all, would the geometry and design help you guys think?

Would it be worthwhile to try?

I can get Audioquest nrg4 relatively cheap. It has to be Audioquest wiring for me.
Bob, When Garth Powell attended our audiophile society meeting last month he used the Thunder and Dragon-Source cables on a CD player
only as part of his demo. The Dragon was compared to a 17K power
cord and was easily judged superior. He did the same thing with the
Thunder, but I don't remember what cable it was compared to for the demo. What I do know is that The Dragon and the Thunder, which are
far apart in price, shared some basic characteristics. The soundstage
was big and images were in stark relief. Dynamics were really powerful
and yet realistic within the soundstage. There are differences between
the cables in the Storm Series, but they still share the same fundamental
qualities that make them special. That is what I took away from Garth's
demo. I had always thought that the addition of the Basis Super Arm 9
was the biggest single improvement in my system that I had ever experienced. Now, I can add to that the AQ Hurricanes. When some of my society friends came over to hear my system with the Hurricanes,
they were amazed at the improvement. They said that everything sounded so right to them. One said it was the best he had ever heard the Model 7s sound in a normal home environment. I must give the Hurricanes much of the credit.

Great share Charger.  Very cool stuff and I totally agree. I nearly pulled the trigger on the nice Basis arm when I owned my Basis, but couldn't find one used that fit, lol.  I am in shock over how good these cords are.
I finally received the Hurricanes that I ordered to replace the Tornadoes. Now all of my components have Hurricane power cords and I hope I'm done(I'm still playing around with the thought of changing my speakers). 
The newer Hurricanes outer jacket/sleeve has changed and the grip on both ends appears to be improved.
changed?  How?  I just got mine a bit over a week ago. I wonder if I have the these or not.  I doubt that the sound has changed at all.
The original Hurricanes had red in the outer jacket/sleeve. The latest hurricanes are solid blue. So, you have the latest version if the outer jacket/sleeve is blue. In addition, I stated the grip on both ends appears to be improved. I never stated or even suggested that the sound has changed.