Responses from ricred1
Moving to separates skeptikal, "I don't plan on replacing the Integra any time soon. It's the flagship model, the DRX-8.4. It has Dirac, which works wonders. And it sounds really good." I hear you. My Trinnov is very good as an AV preamp, but not for 2-channel. ... | |
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question Everyone has different experiences. Personally, if I don't like a component from the beginning, time doesn't change my opinion. | |
Moving to separates My current system is two channel combined with surround sound via my preamp’s HT bypass. I use a Jeff Rowland Corus preamp for my 2-channel and Trinnov Altitude 16 AV preamp. Out of curiosity I took the Corus out and only used the Trinnov. The sou... | |
Has it all been worth it? Yes, because I no longer want anything. I understand that there will always be something better than what I have and I'm okay with it. | |
Why did you purchase the equipment you have and what do you like most about it? calvinj, We have been friends for several years. As far as opinions go, I no longer provide my opinion or recommendations to anyone regarding audio components. There are just too many variables, including the room to know how a component will sou... | |
Why did you purchase the equipment you have and what do you like most about it? I established a price range at which I'm willing to spend for each component. I've been lucky to be able to listen to components in my room prior to purchase. Finally, I trust my wife's and my own ears. | |
Do you prefer tall speakers I prefer tall speakers. | |
New Amp Advice mswale, "Your current amp is amazing. Have never listened to your amp." I guess I don't understand how you say something is amazing, but you never listened to it? | |
System advice I've owned several speakers(several Wilson Audio, Aerial Acoustics, Dynaudio Devore Audio, Revel, Artemis EOS, and a couple more). I currently own Monitor Audio PL500 II speakers. They are like most decent speakers and can sound dry, analytical, s... | |
New Amp Advice My advice is to try to get hone auditions for amplifiers that you are interested in hearing. We don’t know, what we don’t know and the only way to find out is through listening. You may come to the conclusion that what you have is enough or that y... | |
Anyone try the Kaleidescape Strato V? Seems to eliminate the need for the crazy server? I've had one for a little over one month. The sound of movies is significantly better than any streaming service. | |
ARE SUPER EXPENSIVE STREAMERS REALLY WORTH IT I say yes, based on my experience comparing several DACs and music servers in my system. That being said, that are no absolutes in audio. | |
Audio racks that can handle heavy components https://livevibeaudio.com/rhythm-platforms/ | |
Would you rent a $14,000 DAC for $75 per day? No | |
Is anyone here still into live concerts these days? Last year I attended almost every Jazz concert at the Buena Vista Theater in San Antonio, TX. It's a truly great venue for Jazz. |