Audioquest WEL innerconnects are the older models the same as current model?

Hi all, I’ve tried AQ and like it, tried over cables like many people and thinking going back to AQ. A friend of mine has offered me some of is AQ WEL that are around 9 years old, would they be the same as a current set of WEL signature? If they are I’d be interested in trying them.

Regards .
44maloo35 are a fool to think Stereophile has a video about the company’s.   I feel sorry for you!  but don’t be fool by the advertisements, you should do your homework.  Here is a good sight to look into.  Make sure you look at the pixs from page two.  Enjoy!
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Well said @folkfreak
I too enjoy my WEL sigs - no issues with their performance, price structure, or how they’re made. They do it for me.
@zipost I’ve done plenty of homework and am easily able to distinguish the knock offs from the real thing. But thanks for your concern, glad to know you have my back 😜
@mulveling sorry I just deleted as I didn’t want it to come across as whiny 🤩