Auralex acoustic form.

Hi all.
Anyone have experience with this product and how do they perform in room please ?
Etran, I do use a bit of Auralex 2" studiofoam, the basic grey 2' x 4' "ruffled" sheets. It does what foam does--absorbs high frequencies. Please note that foam is NOT effective in controlling low frequencies; it does damp uppermidrange and high frrequencies. In other words, if glare, hf harshness and various high level echoes causing an overly-live sound are your problem, then abosrption might be for you.

Also please note that in my experience, Auralex LENRDs do not work as advertised. As noted above, I do not find Auralex products effective for low frequency absorption. For this you will want proper bass traps; the size and style depend on your particular needs.
They are great but expensive. I think it's some of the best stuff out there for what it does; however, I think you could save a bunch of money and get the same stuff from eBay (type in "acoustic foam") for a fraction of the cost.

I have 1" foam (Auralex) and use it to tame a bright room at certain reflection points. If I had to do it all over again I would get 2-3" foam from eBay to absorb lower frequencies and save the money.

I've had great results with Auralex inclucding the LENRDS. You can see how I used them by looking at the pictures of my system.