Aurender vs. Roon

I would greatly appreciiate any input on something I was told yesterday by a learned audiophile. A) that aurenders conductor app is inferior to roon. That is probably a given. However, I thought Roon will interact with the conductor app. so if that is the case then you can have the best of both worlds.  Also, Roon has better audio quality the Aurender? Aside from that, is the landscape moving toward Roon? Reason I ask is I have been looking at Aurender streamers to purchase and there seems to be more and more of them for sale on Audiogon and US Audio Mart etc. Is it possible Roon Ready devices are going to be the newest frontier so why bother with Aurender if they are not going to support it? Thanks in advance for any insight or suggestions.
Comparing Roon to Aurender.

Issue: Finding a way to play music stored on a computer (upstairs) to be reproduced on the home stereo system (downstairs) and not sound like your listening to music stored on a home computer.

Roon - will solve the issue by allowing you to run software on your computer, or NAS, and then using it through various ethernet switches to access the music and control it via iPad or iPhone. No need to transfer stored music you just point the software to the music and to your pre-amp and the software will connect the two. This is more geared to computer people - IMHO

Aurender - also solves the issue by hardware (you transfer/copy all the music to it) physically connect it to your DAC/Pre-Amp and control it via iPad software. Better for Audiophiles - IMHO.

Watch comes the biggest peddler of Roon and anti-Aurender on Agon forum 😎
Dunedain of  course an Aurender N10 sounds better then a laptop. 

When we  first started selling Aurender we used to compare a mac mini  to the n100h and the differerence was very audible.

A high end server is designed for music transport a laptop is not.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ