Avalon Eidolon Visions in the house

Upgraded from Thiel CS 2.4s (which I think are fantastic by the way). The Eidolon Visions just arrived today.......good lord. I know that this may be old news, but now I understand what the deal is with all the love these things get. Sounds like there is a damn mini version of whoever I'm listening to in the room with me. Full writeup to come.
I stopped in to listen to the Avalons at a local dealer recently. I have always been impressed with the sound stage and imaging of the Avalon brand having heard the Eidolons and the Diamonds on several occasions. He had a demo pair of Visions for sale, but; mentioned the Avalon Indras were much better sounding then the Visions. He mentioned the Visions sounded flat and uninvolving compared to the Indras. Due to time constraints I only had time to listen to the Indras with Pass X150.5's, Berkeley DAC and PC Audio (J River) system. The sound was fantastic and sounded better to me then the Focal JMLab Scala Utopia's. The Scalas certainly provided a deeper sounding base response, but; the overall performance (Detail retreival, holographic imaging and accuracy) went to the Indras. Has anyone compared the Indras to the Vision model?
" My dealer says everything in his shop sounds much better than anything else" , I take the advice of most dealers with a large amount of sceptisism although there are who know what they are talking about , always judge first with your own ears , this has nothing to do with avalon speakers in general which is a very nice brand off course
If you were reponding to my thread, in all fairness to the dealer, he is an long time Avalon dealer and had the Avalons, both models, and the Scalas that he set up for me to audition. I did not have the time to audition the Visions he had for sale (Demos), yet recognize he has had ample time to listen to both the Visions and the Indras over time. I am curious if others have auditioned the Vision and Indras and what they heard.
The dealer I purchased them from had both as well (the Indras were actually my first choice when I started looking), and I asked him which he thought would be better based on my room. My room is 18 X 24 with really high, about 14 - 16 foot ceilings (they taper down from a vault shape). I was willing to be interested/purchase either. He basically said that if I had a smaller room that wasn't as well treated and was buying both at retail price, he said he would probably opt for the Indras since they would be several thousand cheaper. He said that the Eidolon Visions would be a much better value at the price he was willing to sell, and also that they would most likely sound quite a bit fuller in the bass and maybe slightly more dynamic (I've had some problems with bass in this room before). So far, the bass and "fullness" of the sound has been the biggest difference.
Gocubs999 - It just amazes how people like you can rain on somebody's parade. Andromedaaudio is jacked up about his purchase and you come on here and tell him your dealer said another model is better. Who cares what your dealer thinks? Did he know Andromedaaudio's room size, musical sensibilities, preferences etc.? Hell no, he didn't.

Get a clue.