Avatar playstation 1 cd player

Has anyone heard the avatar dyastation cd player. It is some sort of modified playstation 1 player with german tubes. It is said to compete with cd players up to 15,000 dollars. I can't find much about it anywhere on the net, thanks for your help
It is the Dynastation Dynavox formerly distributed by Avatar Acoustics. Their was a mkI, II and III. The unit which I formerly owned and purchased new was between 6 to 7k depending on the Euro at the time. The 3 was USD 12k.

I have ownd the Meitner Bidat about 4 times :), the MSB PowerDac, Metrum Octave and a slew of other very highbend digitalmpieces. I've been privy to ML 30.6/31.5, top Esoteric gear and I'll tell you this... The dynastation 2 is one of if not the FINEST one box cd players on this planet! That thing makes music. The Ayon cd5s that I had for about 4 weeks is good, very good but not as beautiful sounding as the dynastation. See the thing about the dynastation is it sounds incredible with just it's built in volume pot I mean really really really fantastic. The CD5s was good with it's built in Pre, but it took my Music First Audio Reference and my $16.5k Halcyonics Silencer to really make the CD5s sing.

The AMR CD77 is up there with the Dynastaion. I ONLY got rid of it because I moved to a Mac based server model and got rid of all my shiny discs.

I'm here to tell you from experience, you could spend 40k on a cd player or Dac and not beat that unit.

I miss it sometimes, but the sound I'm getting with my AMR DP777/Music First Audio Baby Ref combo is world class. Oh, I recently upgraded the output caps on my AMR to Deulend VSF Black Cast caps.... Very nice!

If you have a chance to get the Dynavox 2 or 3 you will not regret it :)