Avid Acutus

Has anyone listened to this table and compared it with Basis Mk. V, SME 30, and other top tables?
Dear Khrys: Good for your choice.

Maybe in the next 10 years I can tell you which one I prefer.

Regards and enjoy the music.
When you say "won," what does that mean. Won sonically? Or you preferred combination of sonics and looks on the Acutus?
Gladstone, that's a good question. I meant sonically but as Raul points out I was comparing analog front end "systems" and not the turntables separately with all other variables identically matched. But I think it is noteworthy that I still preferred the Acutus as configured to the SME without cost being a factor. And I don't think anyone would claim that there is a better mate for the 30/2 than the SME V nor would they believe that it was the Benz alone that accounted for my preference. The elegance of the Acutus was the icing on the cake, not the deal clincher. I am sure there are many who would see "form-as-function" perfection in the neo-industrial look of the SME but do those people even listen to records anymore?
The SME is pretty ugly. But let me followup: what was it about the sound of the Acutus that you preferred? Smoother, more detailed, more relaxed, more dynamic...?
Gladstone, to me the Acutus was a little smoother, a little sweeter but still had extraordinary detail. Though it was slightly less extended at the frequency extremes (the SME 30/2/V had the most powerfully refined bass I have ever heard) the Acutus had more presence, air and bloom in the midrange say from 60Hz-2500Hz where I found it to be incomparable. The SME sounded like the best CD player ever created but the Acutus sounded like the best turntable.