Avid Acutus

Has anyone listened to this table and compared it with Basis Mk. V, SME 30, and other top tables?
Gladstone, that's a good question. I meant sonically but as Raul points out I was comparing analog front end "systems" and not the turntables separately with all other variables identically matched. But I think it is noteworthy that I still preferred the Acutus as configured to the SME without cost being a factor. And I don't think anyone would claim that there is a better mate for the 30/2 than the SME V nor would they believe that it was the Benz alone that accounted for my preference. The elegance of the Acutus was the icing on the cake, not the deal clincher. I am sure there are many who would see "form-as-function" perfection in the neo-industrial look of the SME but do those people even listen to records anymore?
The SME is pretty ugly. But let me followup: what was it about the sound of the Acutus that you preferred? Smoother, more detailed, more relaxed, more dynamic...?
Gladstone, to me the Acutus was a little smoother, a little sweeter but still had extraordinary detail. Though it was slightly less extended at the frequency extremes (the SME 30/2/V had the most powerfully refined bass I have ever heard) the Acutus had more presence, air and bloom in the midrange say from 60Hz-2500Hz where I found it to be incomparable. The SME sounded like the best CD player ever created but the Acutus sounded like the best turntable.
I had heard some of these tables at the Audiofest and I actually from a musical point of view prefered the sound of the Oracle V with the SME arm they used plus a Dynavector XX.
The sound of this setup had a coerence from bottom to top that was unmatched by a large degree then any other analog setup including the Walker.
This table just portrayed the most correct harmonic integrity of musical notes then anything else I have heard in a very long time.The Brickman Turntable with the Brickman Arm and Lyra Titan came in a very close second IMO.
This analog rig had a very extended natural top end and this huge carved out soundstage that was very impressive indeed.With that setup they were using all Nordost top of the line cabeling as well.
Interesting observations doublebass. I have always been a long time big Oracle fan and ran an Oracle V/SME IV with various pickups like the Lyra Parnassus, Koetsu RSP and the Benz Ruby and REF with great enjoyment. Replacing the SME IV with a Triplanar IV really improved the sound to my ears and made me a big Triplanar fan. To me the Acutus is a further refinement of the Oracle concept: tripod (the most stable footing), lightly sprung, non resonant, ideally clamped vinyl to the best mat available, simplicity of design (platter mass; no flywheels, additional belts, air pumps, vacuums or lasers) and visually stunning. Turntable guru Brooks Berdan whose mods for the Oracle III & IV were incorporated into the design of the V is most enthusiastic about the Acutus. So replacing the Oracle with the Acutus was an easy decision after listening. And as good as the Triplanar IV sounded on the Oracle V so much better the Triplanar VII sounds on the Acutus. And after extensive cartridge auditions I have to say I'm a Benz guy. The LP Ebony is the ideal balance of the romance of the KRSP and the hyperclarity of the Titan.
I have never heard the Brinkman rig but would love to. I have heard and even bought the top end Nordost line of cables and find them to be incompatible with my auditory acuity. Not enough deafening "live" concerts I guess. Fortunately they were really easy to resell unlike the MIT ripoffs (Audio Reference? with Karen somebody) Harry Pearson used to tout until he got on Nordost's dole.