Axpona Show 2019

Over 400 exhibitors, growing to be the premiere audio show in NA. Also will have Paul Reed Smith (PRS GUITARS) doing a one hour presentation, he is a big audiophile and amazing guitar player/builder. The only guy who could really compete against Fender and Gibson. I like that the show is branching out to other music platforms. So looking forward to all 3 days. I see some new speaker cables in my future.

 Go to the Axpona websight and click on Exhibit and Sponserships Info. Then click on Exhibit Maps. It will give you who is on what floor and in what room.
I look forward to being there throughout the show and will be doing some cartridge setups on Thursday for exhibitors. Mat and Harry Weisfeld of VPI will be doing presentations and demos in room 733 (Holm Audio) on Friday and Saturday afternoons from 1 to 3. I'll be there on the sidelines. Stop by, say hi, and take a listen.

Brian Walsh
Thanks all for the info on the Exhibitors at AXPONA.
I'll be the good looking guy there that all the women want. LOL


   With all those women to choose from, I asked some members what you use for birth control?  The answers were unanimous: "your personality"

Here is the link to the floor layout: on the floors to see the maps.Vinh VuGingko AudioWe will be in Room 1520, showing the new Clarissa LE speakers driven by three different amps - tube, solid state, and Class D.