Ayon Audio CD-5 versus CD-5s

What are the essential differences between the CD-5 and CD-5s? Has anyone heard one of the 5s units as yet?

Does Ayon have any plans to bring out a reference player like the CD-5/5s with built-in pre-amp that does SACD (2-channel) as well as Redbook CD?

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Audioman58, I also have ayon cd-5s.
Great player with really good pre-amp.
Your comments about using Bryston digital player instead of transport made me thinking about setting up front end utilizing Bryston and finally have my all cds on a hard drive. Couple questions here. Does computer and cd/dvd drive quality/brand affect ripping qulity. Is that better to rip cds on computer first or directly to external HD. Does one need to use specific brand/quality of external HD. How dificault to attach ipod/ipad as a remote for Bryston? Your input will be very helpful.
Thank you.

what puzzles me about cd replay relative to straight downloads is that you can significantly improve CD sound quality by applying liquids such as Audiotop as I have ascertained on my AudioAero Capitole 24/192 mk2 SE with discrete output stage modification. This goes to show that the actual reading errors on the Cd are depending on surface treatment, irrespective of buffering. Hence my contention that Cd can not match a proper computer server. In any case replay through my Mach2music via Antelope Zodiac Gold + Voltikus is a quantum leap ahead of the AudioAero, generally acknowledged no mean player by itsself.

Vinyl does not destroy my Electrocompaniet EMC-1Up, in my system and in my listening room.
My LPs are in a crate. My last turntable is long gone.
Hi Melb1

Can you tell me your experience with the Ayon, KWA 150 combo. I have the same equipment, but have trouble with noise when i use the the Ayon as a preamp. Did you use XLR or RCA cables?

Hi Antrigrunge,
I agree some cd treatments such as Ultrabit Platinum Plus can make a qualitative difference to the sound of cd's, but it's not really arduous; one treatment should last for years of normal use. It's interesting you mentioned your modded AA Capitole SE. I did an a-b comparison of a stock previous model Ayon CD-5 vs an AA Prestige player, and the CD-5 beat it comfortably. My modded CD-5s is significantly better, and my next player (likely a future Vitus model) will be in another league again. I appreciate the technical benefits of ripped and server based music, but at a certain level cd players like my modded CD-5s & higher end players like Vitus demonstrate what cd playback can do. With that said, I plan to invest in a high end server in a few years and connect that to my cdp's dac via SPDIF. I will still continue buy and play cd's however. I find downloads 'soulless' to be honest. There is no luxury packaging, booklets, photos, postcards etc which you can flick through and read (which often provide as much enjoyment as the cd itself). And a picture on a screen can never replace a colorful cd top cover or booklet. Audiophile cd's and cd's in general will be like gold in the future once the novelty of computer-based music has diminished, the world is devoid of character and wondering what went wrong. In 15 or 20 years, I predict high end cdp's & cd's will make a comeback just like vinyl did.