Ayre amps - cool running?

Can anybody with experience with Ayre amplification tell me how hot or cool they run? I've had a big Krell, which was very warm when on but no music, and downright hot when actively being used, and I've had big Simaudio monos which were cool when on but no music, and only slightly warm under most conditions.
I had a V-1XE, ran very warm to hot. Around the same as the JC-1s, and the FPB 650Ms I have now. Beautiful, musical, amp.(V-1XE)
I had a V5/6 amp and it remained cool during idle and warm after driving it hard for 12 hours into Rockports...now have MX-Rs into Rockports and Ariel center...seems slightly cooler...no heat problems at all...but I do make sure air circulation is good...

I have a pair of the MXR's. They are cool when in stand-by mode and only get warm when in active use. I have never seen them get hot. You can always place your full hand on top of them and keep it there. They sound great as well. I highly recommend them.

You have my dream spealer/amp combo, to bad I will never own it. Heard that set once with a Mark lev. CD player it was really good but so much over my budget.
The MX-Rs can get quite warm into hot territory but that's driving them for hours on end at very loud volumes; typically they never get more than warm. My experience with the other newer amps (V-5xe and AX-7e) is that they never get more than warm.