Ayre KX-5/20 & VX-5/20 v AX-5 Twenty

Downsizing in preparation for a move to an apartment in a retirement community, and thinking about replacing my KX-5 and VX-5 Twenty separates with an AX-5 Twenty integrated.  I've never heard the AX-5 Twenty, but it gets excellent reviews.  Sources are Ayre QX-5 Twenty Roon endpoint and DX-5 DSD disc player; speakers are KEF Reference 1s supplemented below 50 Hz by a pair of Velodyne HGS-15s with bass management.  Can anyone compare the separates with the integrated, or provide advice?

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
where are you in the decision making process?The AX-5 Twenty will give you 90% of the KX-5/VX-5 Twenty combination.The remaining 10% reflects power out put from a separate power amp.
Happy Listening!

Have you upgraded fuse(s) in any of your AYRE gear?
If so, which brand/model?

Happy Listening!
@dbphd .
I just recalled a video on  Ayre's youtube channel with John Atkinson regarding the difficulties in building an integrated amp.
I think it is this one:
In a nutshell, integrated amps rely upon a number of compromises in design.
And, if you don't want to contact Johnny, I suggest calling Ayre. Ryan usually answers the phone and would be the person with the best information you could possibly receive regarding Ayre products.

Keep in mind that as is often the case with intergrateds, the AX-5 Twenty is not particularly well suited with sub 4 Ohm loads.
This is nonsense. Here are measurements of the Twenty version, recently published 
