Ayre MR-X monoblocks - how good are they??

I will say off the bite here, tube monoblocks are my prerefence.
However always in the state of mind to go no maintenance no worry SS.

How good is the MRX compared to it's up to 25K competition.

Is it tubelike and nice to poor recordings as Charles Hansen seems to like to advertise. " It took 4 mnths ot voicing to get crap modern cordings to listenable and enjoyable"
If any AMP does this consistently I want it.

do you really nee balancedc connections to make it sound best.

ie is balanbced cardas cross b etter than SE Valhalla??

Showing 5 responses by bar81

"On balance, the strengths of the MX-Rs are so glaringly obvious, and their weaknesses relative to any tube amp that I've yet heard have been so minimized, that I simply have no reason to look elsewhere."

Wait until you try the KX-R preamp. You haven't heard anything yet ;)
At least get the name right, it's MX-R. In any case, it's as good as Charles says it is.
I'm not quite sure how comparing the Ayre combo at a dealer versus your home system with completely different components qualifies you to make any determination one way or another. It would have been much more useful if you waited for an in-home audition to at least feign fairness before making proclamations.
Charles, there's no accounting for taste, the Chinese still buy American cars (particularly big honking SUVs) in droves ;)

Mu6, maybe you'd feel more comfortable in the 80s with the cell phones that were as big as large bricks ;)