Ayre MX R vs Pass Labs X350.8


I have shortlisted Ayre MX R's and Pass Labs X350.8 and have found sellers for used ones at similar prices.

Amp for use with Cary SLP 05 pre and Vienna Acoustics Kiss speakers.

I like a sound that is warm with harmonic richness and tonal density but fast and with some bass slam but not too bright on top as my previous Krell amp was with brass instruments.

Any feedback comparing them from experienced users of either or both amps in the context of their own systems or preferably with equipment similar to mine much appreciated.

Hi Hazyj

No feedback from others here. There was some on WBF.

I went with the Pass X350.8. Great amp although I think I would be happy with the Ayre too. The differences, to me in my system are a fuller, more visceral sound. The highs were also more open and extended. The Ayre didn’t have as much bass slam, was leaner sounding and rolled off in the highs which was not a bad thing too. Microdynamics I think are probably better on the Ayre which is more refined sounding. The Pass gives a better "you are there" feeling soundstage wise.

I have a feeling maybe my tastes differ from Stingreen who if I recall correctly doesn’t like Cardas cables while I do.

I am told the Twenty version of the MX R’s give you more bass and a fuller sound although for a lot more coin.

Again, I would have been happy with either.

Good query mikey8811-

I would be interested in reading more about the 2 brands as well.
Especially, the integrated amps from each company.
Jafant, I am using Cardas Golden Cross interconnects and MIT Matrix HD 60 speaker cables. I preferred the Golden Cross to Golden Reference. I like warm so you can have an indication of my tastes.

Gareneau, I had a Krell FPB 200c. It does many things right but as I said, the highs can be well, a bit too much and I tend to listen to music and not just good recordings. The Pass does everything the Krell does right and more. I preferred some of things the Krell did vs the Ayre. The Ayre does have better microdynamics though.