Ayre QX-5 vs Lumin vs dCS Bartok

Of these 3, which would you go with?  Building out a new system with Roon and one of these as the digital hub.  I like the Ayre AX-5, and am leaning towards the QX-5 as a matching component.  However, the others seem a step above, please share your thoughts.  Thanks.
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I can only comment on the Bartok; I just auditioned with the Bartok driving a Gryphon Essence stereo into a pair of Rockports (not sure what model). The sound of the Bartok came through as very clinical and unengaging to my ears. I had money in hand to purchase the Bartok, but I could not justify the cost vs. performance. DCS has again increased the price of the Bartok substantially and yet has offered no upgrade in hardware or sound quality with this increase (software upgrades don't count since this is the price of admission for any company wanting to stay competitive). Because of the exorbitant cost of a Bartok, I would look into an Aries Cerat Helena DAC. She would "clean the clock" of a Bartok, no digital pun intended!!

To the QX5 Twenty fans do you prefer the sound with the word clock on or off .