

Responses from jeffreyw

Soulution 331 vs Gryphon Diablo 333
@at0310t  Please post your impressions of the 331; you would be one of the first since even professional reviews are scarce! Thanks!  
Soulution 331 vs Gryphon Diablo 333
@inna  I'm using a pair of KEF Reference 1 Metas. This is not my endgame speaker, though. Hearing the Diablo 300, I know how powerful they are, especially in the bass. The new Soulution 331 is supposed to be a unique-sounding component.   
Soulution 331 vs Gryphon Diablo 333
@russellrcncom  I checked on the MSRP of the Soulution, and it's $33K without the DAC and phono. Dealers are not explaining this on their websites. I have heard the Diablo 300 and was impressed; the Soulution will be more difficult to demo, though!  
Where to put best interconnects
@jafreeman  I have had the most improvement from source to preamp. I just auditioned a pair of Audioquest Dragons vs. Thunderbirds. I was astounded that the Thunderbirds held their own from preamp to amp; however, the Dragons were substantially b... 
Aries Cerat Helene vs MSB Premiere DAC vs Lampizator Pacific 2
@onlysomany  I have the Helene, which I love. Sounds like live music without a hint of digital. A plus is that you can alter the sound by changing the bias, a unique feature of this DAC. I can only imagine what the Kassandra II sounds like!  
New Amp Advice
@kerrybh  There appears to be a lot of love for the Michis; regarding sound quality, they present a good value/performance option; however, they are not in the class of the amps on your wishlist—anyone who tells you other needs to see an audiolog... 
XLR cable placement
@marshinski15  I have always had the best results placing the best cables from the source into the preamp. I just did a demo of Audioquest's Dragon compared to my Thunderbirds (from my preamp into my amp). I was surprised that the Thunderbirds he... 
Stereophile review of the new Wilson Watt/Puppy
@fsonicsmith  +1 If you pay for a full-page ad monthly, your products instantly get a 'product of the year' recommendation. I recently bought into this hype regarding the stellar review of Wilson's Sabrina X. I had money in hand and did a demo. ... 
Tweaking Your Speaker Placement
@tony1954  If your speaker stands are on hardwood flooring, tilt the stands and place an old T-shirt under the Gaia's. They will move like they are on ice.  Also, you are lucky you don't own Wilson's; you would need to make 1/32-inch adjustments... 
@kjl1065  A little of "out of the box thinking," do yourself a favor and try a home audition of either Shunyata's Everest or Typhont T2/Denali combo conditioners. I do listen at a low level quite frequently and was astonished at what my Typon/Den... 
Experience up-leveling streaming with USB cables?
@bluethinker  My preference is the WW Starlight. To try to quantify, it is about 15% better than the Inakustik. For the money, Inakustik is hard to beat in the under $1K category with the exception of the WW. I still would put the WW up against a... 
current and ex-Sonus faber & McIntosh integrated amp (combo) owners - question for you
@nathandfwacoustics  I have auditioned the MA 8950, which I liked; I went the separate route, though, with a pair of MC611s and C2700. I like the power that the 611s convey. If I had to do it over again, I would have gone with the MA12000 for sim... 
Experience up-leveling streaming with USB cables?
@bluethinker  I will put the Wireworld Platinum Starlight 8 USB up against any cable regardless of price. If out of your budget, the inakustik Reference USB is a killer. Both are organic-sounding cables with jaw-dropping realism.   
DAC question - is music streamer DAC better than mcintosh DA2?
@nathandfwacoustics  Do not discount the quality of the DA2 DAC. I have an outboard DAC that retails for $19K, and it sounds glorious. As far as a price-to-performance ratio is concerned, the DA2 blows my expensive DAC away. You will need to spen... 
Mcintosh mc312
@lnitm  I have heard the MC312, which is good. If you can stretch your budget, go the MC462 route. It is probably one of the industry's best amplifiers in the price-to-performance category.