Ayre's new Minimum Phase filter

Has anyone heard Ayre's new CD players or its new DAC with the Minimum Phase filter or has anyone returned his or her C-5xe for upgrade with the new MP filter? If so, what do you think of the sound?
Ag insider logo xs@2xcipherjuris
Dtsag, Ayre's customer service is considered to be among the top tier but the way to contact them for best results is by phone. %)
I think their new USB QB-9 DAC with MP filter is the most exciting new product of 2009, although I haven't heard it yet.
That is what I am trying to find out from Michael at Ayre. Left a voice mail with him on Mar. 18, a second voice on Mar. 23, never get a response from him.

Is that the service level we expect from a company with a top tier customer service? Can't imagine how long does it take to do the MP upgrade.
Finally get a response from Michael at Ayre today. The owner of the C5XE need to go thru your local Ayre dealer to arrange with Ayre for the upgrade. The cost is about US$200 plus shipping.

Michael indicated that the earliest upgrade appointment available is early June, 2009.