B&K harsh sound

I recently auditioned in my system a used B&K 1430 amp, which is 3x200 into 8 ohms. I have monitor audio silver 5i speakers. My current amp is a rotel rb960bx, which is only 60 watts per channel. I almost couldn't listen to the B&K. It was so bright and a little ragged on the top end. Imaging was bad as well, both right to left and depth. Has anyone else had this experience with B&K amps? I wonder if it is just a bad match for the Monitor Audio speakers, or perhaps it is just this model. Should I give up on B&K for my system?
Without knowing more, I'd suspect that the B&K amp you auditioned is not functioning properly, and needs repair, or perhaps there is a propblem with the speaker cables you are using. There are some amp / speaker cable / speaker combinations that cause oscillation in the power amp, which may be heard at a bright, ragged edge to the sound. There was a lengthy thread here on A-gon about 6 weeks ago about Alpha-Core Goertz speaker cable sometimes causing amplifier oscillation. If the oscillation is severe, the amp will overheat and may even shut down. Does the B&K amp overheat? If so, it may be oscillating.

Most of the B&K amps I've heard over the years have a smooth, relatively mellow sound, not bright as you describe. I think the B&K 1430 is the 3-channel version of the 1400, which is a decent sounding amp. In this situation, I'd be inclined to suspect the particular amp is the culprit, and not the B&K "sound" as a brand. If anything, the B&K "sound" tends toward a bit of warmth in the mid-range, and slightly rolled off in the lowest and highest frequencies.
I own a B&K receiver and have listened to Monitor audio speakers. I would suggest that this is not the best match. I found Monitor speakers bright and constricted even when played through a Pass Labs amp. Be aware the B&K is still solid state and a bit dry at the top. I try not to use any cables that add extra detail and use other components that are known to be smooth and musical. B&K makes great gear, but great systems are about synergy. I would rather build around the front end and amplification instead of around the speakers. It's just MHO.
All B&K amps I've heard are laid back, sometimes too laid back.. What cables are you using? Post the info & you'll get input from experienced users here....