B&W 683S2 for entery level speakers

What is your opinion re. Bowers and Wilkins 683S2 speakers? I am not an audiophile but I liked this pair when I listened to them. The reviews are generally very positive but I wanted to check if there is anything better at this price range
I've had mine a little over two weeks now. They are great speakers. They are big speakers and play big. The sound is very detailed, resolved and dynamic. At their retail price of $1650 they are hard to beat.

I shopped for speakers for two years before going with the 683S2. There are many wonderful speakers out there. I demoed and enjoyed speakers from PSB (T6), Klipsch (RP280), Golden Ear (Triton 7), Monitor Audio (Silver 8), KEF (LS50, R500), to name a few.

As far as something better in their price range, I don't think there is one, just different sound. All the speakers I demoed were enjoyable, each had their own presentation.

If I hadn't gone with the B&Ws I would have went with the Monitor Audio Silver 8. They retail for $2,000-$2,200. Ultimately I preferred the bass and the treble of the 683S2 over the Silver 8. The mids of the Silver 8 were outstanding.

Listen to all you can with your music that you are familiar with. You'll find one that clicks with you. There is a reason you liked the 683S2. They are an excellent speaker. After you get a chance to hear a few others you'll find out if they are the ones for you.

Good luck with your speaker search.


Before you spend your hard earned $ have a LONG look at the Sonus Faber Toy Tower.WAYYYYYY better than the tin can tweeter B&W in every category & yes I know this for fact as I have owned both the 601S2 & 603S2's.

I found your reply very interesting since I currently have the Triton Sevens and have been considering adding the 682S2s to my system. Would you be so kind to comment on the subjective sonic differences you heard between these two speakers? Thanks.

i am of the option that your money will go farther with Revel, PSB, Kef, Dynaudio etc.

I started out with the 703s which is a nicer version (no longer made) of the 683S2. They wore on me after awhile. They lack bass and the Mids wore out my ears. Nothing wrong with liking and buying the B&Ws. They are made well and will last. Just demo some other brands first.