B&W 805 Diamond or Dynaudio C1 ??

I'm trying to decide which is the better speaker for me. I noticed the 805 diamond can be a bit too revealing on the highs due to its diamond tweeter, but I don't necessarily find that offensive. The Dynaudio C1 seems to be a well balanced speaker, very good bass no doubt. Some even mention that the C1 sounds so neutral that at times can be fatiguing, which I haven't heard any claims about that with the 805 diamond. But as overall package, which do you prefer in terms of:

1. Which have the bigger soundstage?
2. Which speakers sounds have mids that sound more organic and life-like?
3. Which is more transparent and disappears more?

I've listened to other B&W 700 and 800 series and do like the overall presentation of how their speakers sound, but I'm totally clueless about Dynaudio, so in a way I'm kinda leaning towards the 805, but I wanna see if others prefer the C1 better.
As a Dyn C1 owner all I can say is they are the most natural life like speakers I ever heard. I have never been fatigued by them. In fact 1 problem that I have with them is I have an extremely hard time walking away from them.
That being said I haven't heard B&W's for quite a while now since they never interested me. They are real easy for me to walk away from those.

Just my opinion
the C1 is not fatiguing at all. one must look to electronics if that is the case.
I believe that it would be in your best interest to find somewhere to audition the C1's.

I owned B&W Silver Signature's for 10 years. I only replaced them because I wanted a change. I auditioned the C1's as well as Harmonic Precision Caravelle's.

I really liked all three and didn't see much of a sonic difference in the three with my electronics.

I'd take the time and seek out the C1's and sit down and have a nice long listen. I don't think that either speaker is a better choice than the other. It's which one you like better or like the price of better.

I just like a bit of insight of what to expect when I do audition the C1, which probably won't happen for awhile since its a bit far away from where I live. I still have time to decide as I won't be upgrading at least not until a good 4 months later. Anymore comment about soundstage and transparency between the two speaker would be greatly appreciated. Electronics will also be upgraded after the speakers, thinking about Classe CP 700 or CP 800 and Classe CA 2200 or even Pass Labs or if getting integrated amp, maybe Ayon or Mac 6600, depends on budget. Also considering the placement of the speakers which is near wall for me, a rear port would not be as beneficial on the C1 as oppose of the 805 which is front ported. So I don't know..too many considerations and don't wanna make a bad choice.