B&W 805 Nautilus for PC?

I picked up a used pair of 805 Nautilus at an estate sale for $500.  I could not test them and had to take a gamble.  My plan was to use them for my computer as I spend a lot of time working at my desk and wanted something better than my horrible Bose multimedia speakers.  I am in search of a good integrated amp but in the meantime I am using an old Denon 1908 receiver to run them.  They sound terrible.  I am not sure if it is the Denon or the speakers.  Is there a good integrated you would recommend that might make these things sing?

I like the small NAD hybrid units. The NAD D 3020 has lots of inputs and plenty of power for desktop use. Also sound pretty good, especially compared to their first Masters series. They make a larger version, but it is digital input only, and limited inputs.

I also recommend IsoAcoustics stands.


terrible how?  Those are a little bit bright and will be brighter nearfield.  They also don't have the best off-axis response so if I were you I'd point them directly at you.  You might need some felt or something over the tweeters to lower the treble volume a little bit. 
They definitely are not bright.  They sound muffled, almost like there is a pane of glass between me and the speakers.  The louder I turn them up the better they sound but still not great.  I do have them pointed directly at me.