B&W 805D vs. Dynaudio Contour S1.4

I've been listening to the 805D at a local deal and have been very impressed by its overall balance and richness. I'm also interested in the Dynaudio S1.4, but haven't been able to compare them side by side.

Has anyone been able to do this? I'm very curious as to how they stack up.

Thanks for the feedback Zormi. I can afford the C1's, but I can't get past how they look. I want a speaker that sounds great and that is also aesthetically pleasing. Am I asking too much??
As a C1 owner I have to say they are not the prettiest speakers around. That being said I did not buy for looks. Having heard the 805's a couple of years back I thought they were great but wasn't sure. Couldn't put my finger on it. I only had about a 1/2 hr audition. Later I heard the Sonus Faber Cremora Auditor 'M' and thought they were even better than the 805's. A little more laid back but still good sounding. Then when I heard the C1's it took me less than 10 min to know they were right for my ears (not eyes though). The bass was amazing - midrange was the most natural I had ever heard - and the high end beat the B&w's hands down - again very natural. The imaging and transparency was unbelievable. I did also at 1 time consider the 803 and the 802 - too big for my room though.

All that being said I never compared the C1's to any less Dyn speaker for I did not want to price justify and go less expensive to wonder a year or 2 down the road - should have I gotten the C1's. Been there. I sometimes still wonder after hearing the excite X12 and X22's but I'm not sorry.

That's my opinion. Would I do it again if I could go back in time? In a heartbeat!! BTW the looks grew on me.
Forgot to mention I heard the X12's in Feb and the X22's last month. I have had the C1's for 2 years now.
I'd choose the Contour S 1.4. A very refined speaker, smooth sounding with an incredible bass response. Relatively forgiving for bad recordings for long term listening without listener's fatigue.