@68pete. It sounds a lot like my system. My system is pretty basic too. I have the Krell Fpb 600 with the ARC Ref 6. Rega Isis Cdp. B&W Krell baf. (2) balanced. (Bass alignment filters). StraightWire Crescendo IC balanced and StraightWire Crescendo speaker cable. No Tt. I only listen to cds. I would never part with my 800s. I will have them til I die and then leave them for my son. My whole system too. Too bad we weren’t closer. We could of got together. Mike.
B@W Matrix 800 speakers
I would like to hear from owners of the speakers, about how they set them up? Distance from rear wall, side wall distance and how far a part from each other. Did you like them with the top and bottom cabinets facing center or facing out? What size of room did you have them in?
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