Have you considered using a jeweler's supply house? There are a bunch on the web. I looked into prices for silver wire back in July: 4 - 18 ga. wire, $8.95/oz, 20 ga. or smaller, $9.25/oz. The lengths per ounce for wire gauges people may be interested in are: 8 ga = 15", 10 ga = 2', 12 ga = 3', 14 ga = 5', 16 ga = 7.5'. You could buy an ounce or two of wire, and have a LOT left over. You could even buy the appropriate gauge teflon insulation(from a different source, but also VERY cheap!), if you felt the need. Do these low prices surprise you??? I guess we all are being absolutely RAPED(!!!) by the cable companies. The whole deal should be $20 or $30, tops(less if you do like the speaker companies and leave the jumpers bare). You could buy a large ga wire(like 10 ga), or braid smaller diameter, insulated wire. I would suggest running your cable to the mid/HF(in your case there are only 2 drivers) binding post, and using the jumpers to go to the LF binding post. That way, there would be no skin effect if you used a single, large gauge wire, and also LF drivers are less critical of wire than mid/HF drivers.
B&W Nautilus - jumper advice
Trying to get some ideas on jumpers for my Nautilus 805s. The ones included are pretty budget. Apparently, the supercool WBT powerbridges will not work. If I were to biwire, it would be too expensive, as I would have to buy another 6 foot pair of Audioquest SA-40. I want to use silver. Anyone have any ideas??