B&W Signature 805s v. Merlin TSM-Ms ?

I am looking for small, monitor-type high-end speakers to sit on end-tables in a 18x20 foot room. Wife doesn't want large and loud; I like clarity. I have a sub if necessary. I've heard the 805Sigs. and liked them, haven't heard the Merlins, though recommended to me. Suggestions/comments re these and/or others most welcome.
You might want to do a word search on the Focus Audio FS688 speaker posts. A current post "What is the best mini monitor?" has a post by one who owns the FS688.

He owns the FS688, B&W Sig. 805, Green Mountain Europa, Dynaudio 1.3SE and a Quad bookshelf.

He does a comparison between the 5. The FS688 is the same speaker that was listed as #1 in a article entitled "Best sounding stand mount speakers ever" in a Hong Kong Audiophile publication.

Much higher WAF then the Merlin or B&W IMO. Much smaller (13x7x10) then the Merlin or B&W and better finished.

Probably a little biased since I own a pair.
"Maybe his other end needs to be replaced"
I have had 4 other sets of speakers hooked up to the EXACT same system, IMO the sigs were one of the less involving speakers.

That is what is great about audio...what good for one person may not please another

I agree with Maxxc focus audio f688 is an awesome speaker
Must be heard

Hi Carlo, I know your last post wasnt't directed to me but I would like to address it. I am not doubting that you found your system uninvolving, and I don't want to speak for James but he didn't say it wasn't either, but rather was wondering if it was more of an issue of a system that didn't match.

Here is an example of an experience I had. I had N803's and they were originally connected to a Levinson No383 and this setup was ok; I also used a BAT VK200 with a VK30 and again ok, but then I switched to a Rowland Concentra II and this transformed the N803's and I understood to a much greater degree the positive comments on those speakers.

Anyway, as I stated before, I don't find the S805's uninvolving in the least and I don't think it is a personal taste issue, that said, someone may prefer another speaker.

I am enjoying my system more than any setup I've owned. I also have two friends, that I have met thru a-gon, that also have the S805's and these two have had more speakers that I can count in just the last two years, they also are enjoying them, fwiw.
The Merlins are only 8 inches wide by 10-1/2 inches deep by 16 inches high. Certainly not much difference in size from the B&Ws in question, or the other speaker you mentioned.
Cheers, Spencer
Sorry if my comments seemed pointed. I'm not saying the forward gear was lacking; instead it might not complement the sigs. as well as another setup. Apples and oranges really. One not better than the other, simply different.