

Responses from sbank

Southwest Audio Fest
For anyone who's attended prior SWAF and CAF or PAF, is the Dallas show likely to be smaller, larger or about the same size in terms of number of demo rooms? Thanks in advance, Spencer  
Balanced vs RCA preamps
VAC, BAT, Atma-Sphere & Aesthetix all make tube preamps that are truly balanced. Most BAT models have only balanced inputs & outputs. My VAC has both types. Cheers, Spencer   
Best subwoofer to pair with Vandersteen Treo CTs??
@aphilc Have you joined and/or read comments on the Vandersteen Owners Forum? Plenty of friendlies there with direct experience. Cheers, Spencer  
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
Thank you all for your comments. Cheers, Spencer  
Curious Why Benz Micro Slid Into Obscurity
@mulveling So if I follow your comments are you saying that for use with my VAC Ren 5 internal phono stage using SUT, that I'd be better off with a Zebra L or Ebony L than an LPS if I want to try a Benz?  Where do Delos and other Lyras fit in rel... 
Moving Soon - Should I Pack Up Everything Now??
In a similar situation, I put Corelli's Concerto Grossi on repeat before leaving for showings. The house sold quickly. There's a reason classical music is in the background of so many movie scenes in settings of wealth and taste. Put the buyers in... 
Speaker recommendations :-)
@lammjunkie So many choices and so personal a decision, you really need to listen to some of those you're considering.  FYI, I used to own those Lamm monos, and switched from Nola Viper Ref 3 speakers to Sound Lab A3 electrostatics, which are a v... 
Woody Shaw- Blackstone Legacy
Thanks, @whart!  Here's a nice review of it by Ken Micallef. "The Greatest Jazz Recording of All Time—GOAT?" After streaming it on Qobuz, I'm hoping to get a copy of the reissue. BTW, the release date is 8/25. Cheers, Spencer  
New Outlets Lead to Better Sounding and Tasting Coffee
@tomic601 There are workarounds to the "start the grinder before pouring in beans" process. First, my Baratza grinder's hopper is UV-protected and conveniently roomy enough to hold ~ a weeks worth of beans. The motor start up is easily tackled by ... 
Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
@paul6002 Your OP sounds like you're hoping we'll all chime in and tell that it's not worth it, because you don't want to set up your room in a way that will optimize the sound reproduction that your gear is capable of.  If you go to any decent a... 
Kuzma Stabi R mat?
@sbank How is the Audiomods arm treating you these days? @karl_desch I still am enjoying it along with the Sota Nova VI vacuum version and Dynavector XX2MkII. I'd send it to Jeff for the latest update, but don't want to deal with a trip across ... 
Kuzma Stabi R mat?
@karl_desch The Sota Reflex isn't threaded. So agree that it wouldn't make sense w/ your threaded spindle.  @rauliruegas thanks for the Basis clamp suggestion, I'll check it out if I get a chance to try it. Cheers, Spencer  
Kuzma Stabi R mat?
Hey @karl_desch ! I'd suggest asking Franc his thoughts on screw-down clamp vs. Sota Reflex or other options. FWIW, I landed on the Reflex when I had an SP10mk2 with a custom copper/alum 2layer platter mat. This after trying dozens of combos of m... 
Speakers for Atma Sphere M60 mk3
A friend runs his M60s with 93db, easily loading Silverline LaFolias and they sound great together. As others have said, a friendly impedance curve is quite important. Any >90db efficiency speaker that is mostly 8ohms or close will pair well. ... 
Devore O/96 vs Stenheim Alumine 2
@hilde45 You don't sound confused, placement is a separate issue. So: 1)OP says he needs a speaker that will work 6" from the wall. - IMHO, that leaves only a few good choices. This is a more impactful limitation than many choose to admit...often...