B&W vs. Sonus Faber

803 d3 vs Sonus Faber Olympica nova v. These are comparably priced, about $16k.

have heard both in separate rooms with diff equipment. Both sound quite good. Trying to decide.
Interested in any opinions, or other options.

They sound completely different, no?

From what I heard, B&W neutral to somewhat forward, SF neutral to slightly on dark side. YMMV

Depends what you like and what electronics you have to pair with. But I think these are two with markedly different sounds so I’d listen again if you are unsure
I know SR is 4 ohms vs 8 for b&w.  I wasn’t listening with same setup.  So hard to compare sounds.  Have a Macintosh amp and a high end tube amp and hear Mac does better with b&w.  Have not heard much about sf and what I have heard is good but not as strong as b&w.  Maybe the ultra high end sf spkrs are really good but the lower end of their range is not very good.
I’d think they are comparable in terms of quality. Probably find just as many that prefer either one. 
With Mc I would definitely go BW not SF. Better pairing.