Balanced tube preamp as good as BAT VK at lower?

Can anybody have a suggestion or two for used balanced tube preamps which are as good as BAT VK preamps at lower cost?
I've beein looking for a BAT preamp that would match well with my VK-200, mostly vk-3ix/30(se)/31(se) with phono/remote, but they are all well over my budget ($1500).
Currently I have Rogue Magnum 99 (with phono) which works pretty good with VK-200, especially the phono part, but eventually I want to move to a balanced preamp.
Bat pre amps with bat amps are really something special. Great synergy. I've owned a 50se/51se and vk200/60/150se's. You can get better (or different), but it costs more money and you really can never get that bat midrange glory anywhere else.

I'd really recommend to hold out until you can see a vk3i come up for sale or you can raise you budget slightly. You're pretty close...
Thanks for the tip.
Yes, I've heard often that BAT amp works best with BAT preamp. It is hard to find any other balanced tube preamp that comes close!
BAT vk-3i would be within my budget, but I am not sure if it is a noticeable upgrade from Rogue Magnum 99. They may be in the same league, or Rogue may be even better

Yes, I would need to raise my budget to afford to vk-3ix or higher.
Hello Ihcho,

You should be able to find a VK-5i in the $$$ range. As Jfrech pointed out the BAT combo has a mid-range that is pretty special with regards to texture/timbre of tone and the higher up you go into the BAT line-up this quality expands to the outer frequencies as well as improved dynamic performance.
Good luck and enjoy your search.
