Basis Audio Super Arm 9

Seeing a few posts on this amazing tonearm. Just installed my Super Arm 9 on my Debut table... Loving it!
I'll report back this weekend on what I hear with this arm. And thanks Jeff.
You were one of those who really influenced my decision on this purchase.
A thread full of worthless blubber.... but run, don't wait, avoid the next price increase...try to get a better rate for group buy...
Listen no one said this was cheap. Everything in high end audio today is way over priced. Its seams like speakers start at 10,000,00 and electronics above 20,000 and more. Fifteen years ago a 5,000.00 speaker was crazy.
Jwm- When describing the Super Arm 9, sonic bliss is an understatement. I have never experienced an upgrade like this in any system I have owned. I won't go into all of the sonic benefits of this arm because I could spend most of the day doing so. Many thanks to Jwm, Jebsmith73, and others who posted on various forums about this product. If you own a Basis table, somehow you must put this arm on it. Once you hear what it can do you will figure out a way to get it. I did and it was worth every cent that i ponied up. Those of you who posted on this subject please accept my gratitude for doing so. A brotherhood of Super Arm 9 owners.