Well for what it is worth I have to break my promised silence,here,in defense of CELLO,and his supposed "preferences"for any particular product (something which to even hint at,is absurd,if you've met him)!I base these comments on what is in his set-up,and how it performs in that specific configuration.Everyone has their own set of "audio turn ons",but when you hear something really well thought out,and set up(even when it is not to your exact preference,but REALLY works),you cannot help but notice.BTW-I am not a close friend,or was ever at any other listening session,there.I DO have alot of experience/years in the hobby,and also have a bit of a "big mouth"!For the latter,I feel bad,but that's the way it is!(WAS!!!)
I was at Cello's for a listening session last fall.Though I did have my own "silly" issues (which basically, I felt, embarassed me off the web,and rightfully so)I have to state that there is NO way I believe Cello is jaded towards any product,or manufacturer.It would also seem fairly normal,in a good business sense,to have a mfgr be on friendly terms with a hobbyist who has some exposure to other hobbyists.I have my own relationships,like this,and some of my friends have very healthy ones,as well.In reality,this is a very symbiotic relationship,and doesn't have to mean collusion!Also,if "said mfgrs products"are not up to "long term snuff",they are ALWAYS short lived,to a true music lover.
I guess one would have to actually meet,and converse with Cello to get a sense of how he operates,and vying for mfgr.favoritism doesn't seem to be in his persona.Trust me,he could probably get whatever he wants.What impressed me most was that he seems to make buying decisions based on confidence in his own hearing perceptions,and tastes ONLY!I have a couple of audio pals who rationalize product purchases,based upon "deals/product reviews/and newness",which is long term foolish.Guess how long they hold on to something?Guess whether,or not their systems impress as much as Cello's?BTW-Cello's speakers are far from the latest "rave",and are older than my back issues of "Sounds Like"!AND,as configured, are great(as in accurately reproduce "music").Yet,it is a rare hobbyist who goes after what ONLY he/or she hears as "good".So my hat is off to those(really few)who have that particular propensity!
That being said,and admitting that this could seem to come off as some kind of suck-up(which it is NOT,but this is the real "me",this time around)I must confess that after hearing the "now famous" Nola Grand Ref/ASR Emitter/all Nordost" set-up two weeks ago,I preferred the overall presentation,and intimacy of Cello's more modest,yet carefully thought out(more carefully thought out than any of MY past posts,BTW)system.So,to my way of seeing things,and in lieu of my own foolish misgivings,his observations ARE sincere,and accurate enough to be taken at face value!!